American English and British English (BRE) differ in the levels of phonology, phonetics, vocabulary, and to a lesser extent, grammar and spelling. The first major American dictionary, a dictionary of American English, was written by Noah Webster in 1828, Webster aims to show that America, a country that was relatively new at the time, spoke a different dialect of the Great Britain.
The differences in grammar are relatively minor and usually do not affect mutual intelligibility, including: the use of certain auxiliary various formal verbal agreement (not theoretical) with collective nouns, different preferences for past forms of some verbs (eg , AME / BRE: learning / teaching, burnt / burned, sneaked / snuck dove / dived) different prepositions and adverbs in certain contexts (for example, BRE AME school in school), and if a particular item is used in very rare cases (TEA hospital, hospital BRE, contrast, however, AME actress Elizabeth Taylor, actress Elizabeth Taylor BRE). Often these differences are a matter of preference rather than absolute rules. And most are not stable, since the two varieties are constantly influencing each other [31]
The spelling differences are trivial. Some forms are now used to distinguish the American, British spelling (color of the color, the central core, tourists travel, etc.) was introduced by Noah Webster himself, but some is due to the tendency of spelling in Britain from 17 th century to the present day (eg-ise for-ize, although the Oxford English Dictionary prefers-ize still end), and cases of popular Francophile tastes of the 19 th century Victorian England, which had little effect on the AME (for example, a program of the program, the operating space, an experienced and talented, check check, etc.). [32]
AME favors sometimes words that are morphologically more complex, while Bre used to cut shapes, such as the AME and BRE transportation shuttle, or if the form is a British back-formation, such as the AME and BRE burglarize steal (thief). It should be noted that even though people usually use one or the other, both forms are widely understood and used mostly in the two systems in parallel.
The differences in grammar are relatively minor and usually do not affect mutual intelligibility, including: the use of certain auxiliary various formal verbal agreement (not theoretical) with collective nouns, different preferences for past forms of some verbs (eg , AME / BRE: learning / teaching, burnt / burned, sneaked / snuck dove / dived) different prepositions and adverbs in certain contexts (for example, BRE AME school in school), and if a particular item is used in very rare cases (TEA hospital, hospital BRE, contrast, however, AME actress Elizabeth Taylor, actress Elizabeth Taylor BRE). Often these differences are a matter of preference rather than absolute rules. And most are not stable, since the two varieties are constantly influencing each other [31]
The spelling differences are trivial. Some forms are now used to distinguish the American, British spelling (color of the color, the central core, tourists travel, etc.) was introduced by Noah Webster himself, but some is due to the tendency of spelling in Britain from 17 th century to the present day (eg-ise for-ize, although the Oxford English Dictionary prefers-ize still end), and cases of popular Francophile tastes of the 19 th century Victorian England, which had little effect on the AME (for example, a program of the program, the operating space, an experienced and talented, check check, etc.). [32]
AME favors sometimes words that are morphologically more complex, while Bre used to cut shapes, such as the AME and BRE transportation shuttle, or if the form is a British back-formation, such as the AME and BRE burglarize steal (thief). It should be noted that even though people usually use one or the other, both forms are widely understood and used mostly in the two systems in parallel.
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